Conformal cooling

Conformal cooling technology

We produce molds with Conformal cooling on 3D metal printers with subsequent CNC machining. Part of our service is also the design and optimization of a Conformal cooling circuit.

Conformal cooling = a cooling circuit designed to copy its surface shape at the shortest possible distance from the molding wall.

Thanks to the production possibilities of 3D printing, we are able to apply the existing more efficient cooling channel system to new molds or mold modifications. Conformal cooling ducts can be treated with an anti-corrosion coating on request.

Conformal cooling


  • Shortening the cooling cycle by up to 50 %
  • Reduction of deformations of the molding
  • Optimization of the cooling channel according to the mold cavity
  • Possibility of implementation into existing forms

Technical specifications

  • Max. insert size: 250x250x325 mm
  • Possibility of hybrid production (ie 3D printing on a prefabricated semi-finished product)
  • Heat treatment up to 54 HRC

Materials for molds with Conformal cooling

  • Maraging steel  – 1.2709
  • Stainless steel – 1.4542

Samples of conformal cooling


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