Molds and metal parts repair

Technology of repair of molds and metal parts

We carry out repairs of molds and metal parts thanks to the possibilities offered by 3D metal printing technology.

3D metal printing technology can also be used in the field of repairs of molds and technical components. This innovative method of repair focuses on damage of a larger nature and thus expands the possibilities of repairing a damaged part that would be irreparable until now. This can also be done in cases where there are modifications, shape adjustments and the effort is made to minimize costs and shortest adjustment time.

Mold repair


  • Reduction of repair costs
  • Speed of repair
  • Possibility to repair extensive damage

Technical specifications

  • Maximum size of the repaired shape: 250x250x325 mm
  • Heat treatment up to 54 HRC

Materials used for mold repairs

  • Tool steel – 1.2709
  • Stainless steel – 1.4542
  • INCONEL 718

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